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            Dear Friend,                                                                July 2024                     newsletter


     What an awesome time to be alive!!  Never forget, friend, that the God of Heaven is about to arise and bestow on humanity a most priceless gift!!  The Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, will come with such force.  Nothing will stand in His way!  Nothing will withstand this Power!!  Listen to the inspired Word, “And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”  Revelation 18:1-4


     When the Latter Rain comes, the righteousness of Christ, in contrast to the wickedness of the papacy and apostate Protestantism, will be seen before the universe.  His children will be walking by faith in obedience to all of His commandments!  How powerful will the Holy Spirit be?  Listen to these wonderful words, “I saw the latter rain is coming suddenly, as the midnight cry and with ten times the power.”  Ellen White letter, Spalding-Megan Collection, pages 3,4   So, the Latter Rain is coming with 10 times the power of the midnight cry.  Well, how powerful was the midnight cry??


     “In the parable of Matthew 25 the time of waiting and slumber is followed by the coming of the bridegroom. This was in accordance with the arguments just presented, both from prophecy and from the types. They carried strong conviction of their truthfulness; and the "midnight cry" was heralded by thousands of believers. Like a tidal wave the movement swept over the land. From city to city, from village to village, and into remote country places it went, until the waiting people of God were fully aroused.”  GC, pg. 400   Did you hear that friend?  The midnight cry went like a tidal wave over the land.  So, when the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit falls, it will be 10 times as powerful as a tidal wave!!!  Praise God!!  This is the greatest news since Jesus died!


     This display of Heaven’s power will be in response to an unprecedented attempt on the part of the devil, the papacy, apostate Protestantism, apostate Adventism, and the corrupt politicians, and economic giants to enslave the world so that Jesus will have no one to come and get and take to heaven.  While it will appear that the corrupt powers of earth are in control, the Latter Rain power of the Third Person of the Godhead will manifest His unstoppable power and show the proud people of this planet who really is in charge.  We see this attempt by Pope Francis, the G-7 summit, the earth sabbath organization, and their minions to hijack this planet.  The ultimate weapon to bring about this hijacking of earth’s inhabitants is Sunday worship.  Francis is using the climate change agenda to bring this about.  Listen to this, “The 2024 G7 Summit will be held in Italy from June 13 to 15, 2024. This is the annual meeting of the world’s seven most developed economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The European Union also attends the summit. The G7 Summit’s purpose is to discuss and coordinate economic policies, global challenges, and international cooperation on a wide range of issues, including economic growth, trade, security, climate change, and development. Pope Francis will attend the G7 Summit for the first time, after being invited by the world’s major economies and developed nations. This is significant because the agreements and commitments made during this summit have the potential to influence national policies and global governance…” To add to the gravity of the situation, the Earth Sabbath movement is urging Pope Francis to use his moral influence during the G7 Summit to stress the need for establishing a weekly day of rest to combat climate change. Earth Sabbath is an advocacy organization dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and energy consumption by persuading individuals, world leaders, and church groups to take one day off per week for the earth.”  Thanks to advent messenger for this report. 


     The events leading up to the latter rain of the Holy Spirit in Rev. 18:1 can all be seen from a Bible standpoint in Revelation 17.  We see all of these powers of earth making war with Christ Himself.  Notice: “These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”  Rev. 17:14 Praise God!


     From England “I want to thank you for your email address you posted in one of your videos   l was watching. I have been watching your videos for a very long time and although lam in UK l am preparing to head back home in Zimbabwe.  I want to thank God for people like you who has awakened us to the reality hidden to so many of us in the main church. At times you just feel helpless and the fear, that most even pastors will not preach    3 angels’ messages because it offends other churches.  This is a big issue in my country.  Not preaching the 3 angels’ message is not preparing people and church for the reality that is here now we are facing. It’s here Pastor Bill. I have planned at my farm to have a big room and l invite people to watch videos on 3 angels’ messages.  It is only through courage like yours that we can say, it can be preached these truths because it can be very scary because you can be called odd. know what l am talking about?  I pray for your health that you continue the good work. Amen. It’s true what you said that Covid 19 was a warm up. Thank you.”


     From Edward “Last weekend, we had a short seminar for 2 days in which a group of Baptist leaders arranged with me to go to their church and present to them the American. For some of these Baptist leaders had a privilege to listen to you P.B and got overwhelmed beyond doubt about the Sabbath and what the papacy did. This was when one of them last year got Daniel series with Revelation and learned the truth he has never known. That leader got excited to inform others what he has discovered and that is how other leaders wanted to hear for themselves and believe him. So, after a while, good Baptist leaders arranged for a 2 days DVD shows. I was asked to bring the man (meaning you) and not a different man for the man they know to be an American evangelist has not missed nor left a truth behind which he has not revealed. I prepared myself with at least 10 sets which were ready and got to where they were. I found they had hired a 64-inch large plasma screen with a new DVD player. I found 25 elderly men whom I asked to kneel for a prayer before I can invite the American on the stage. Yes, God is wonderful P.B. It was the first time for most of them to see you and upon playing the first sermon from Daniel series, these truth-seeking men kept nodding their heads agreeing with you as truth was settling through their mind. None of them refuted the message not would say anything apart from being amazed at the wonderful messages that they kept appreciating. I was with them Sabbath through Sunday. That is why you could not see my Friday/Sabbath update coming through. At the end of this amazing seminar, all the elders of Baptist church were so thankful to God and to you P.B for removing the mask of ignorance from their minds. They will have a meeting with their members so that they can study together with all members what they have learned and thereafter make a decision to start worshipping on Sabbath. In the meantime, I have been requested to stand by for more DVD series for their members. This is what transpired this last weekend. I am glad to let you know how God as continued to use you with your voice. To God be all this glory.”


     From New Zealand “We would like to express our appreciation of your YouTube clips, especially regarding the apostasy that is taking place within Adventism. We can clearly see how the ecumenical movement and other evils are rapidly taking place before our very eyes. Your presentations have helped us to realize the enormity of the situation within our church. We intend to highlight in our sphere and over the internet our protest as well. We continue to pray for your ministry and others who are alerting the greater community of Adventists.”


     From Idaho “I just watched the first installment of your new series and was blessed beyond measure.  I watch your online presentations through Rumble and YouTube as I gave up my TV to spend more time in study with my Lord.  I also get your DVD's through Pastor Al Fletcher's ministry in Washington state (I live in No. Idaho.)  I am wondering if you will be putting these programs in this new series on DVD so I can purchase them.  Your explanation on Justification was just excellent and I would like to have the DVD to share with others who may not be able to go online.  Please let me know.  I always look forward to your presentations--they are definitely present truth for these times.”


     From  England  “We are a couple that have met you in London in 2006. We loved your message, and after few months got baptized together.  We love your ministry! May God bless you, your family and your Ministry.

Edward “Mark Sichula is a truck driver. He is a Zimbabwean national who transports Copper Cathods from Congo D.R to Durban in South Africa via Zambia. Mark is 56 married with two children. He is an SDA believer but keeps his Sabbath on the road and a few times with his family. Mark with his wife got converted into Adventism through radio programs. His Benz Truck has an inbuilt stereo which he uses to listen to radio programs while he is driving. Two years ago, while he was driving through Zambia, he called me to inquire about the American messages. We talked about how he knew the American's messages and how they changed him to become an Adventist. He told me to give him all the messages for this wonderful man. I was thrilled and praised the Lord. I gave him a lot of series that he is using to this day. Mark does not keep the DVDs all to himself. He gives to other truck drivers some of these DVDs so that they can drive while listening to the word of God. He has been so successful in doing this because I send him 800 DVDs every other month. It was discovered that all the drivers who play DVDs while they are driving have never been involved in any accident and not any single driver has fallen sick nor their trucks having mechanical breakdowns. The South African company where Mark works noticed this strange but wonderful change after 6 months when other drivers were having fatal accidents with their trucks having a lot of mechanical problems. The management noticed this that more than 60 drivers had no single problem and non-was being attacked.  After a thorough investigations which took 3 weeks, the authorities noticed that all drivers were playing similar messages or different messages but all authored by the same voice. Could this be a secret or what?  Mark was called to answer that question and he was pleased to tell the company authority that yes, it was God who was merely protecting their lives with company vehicles and goods while on duty. And that God was talking to them while driving. The management wanted to know that God and hear him. Mark went to his truck and got Jesuit Agendas series. This amazed the Authorities. Each manager wanted to have the DVDs by himself but Mark promised to provide them in time. Mark also revealed that we pray along the way and obey Gods voice. This excited the management which promoted Mark to be a supervisor and all drivers were asked to play DVDs in their trucks while driving. P.B. the next 4 months, that company never recorded losses from accidents or mechanical faults and the owner of the company believed and became an Adventist in Durban. The company began to make good profits until a young brother to the owner of the company conspired with evil men to kill his brother so that he inherits and takes over the company. For strange reasons, the owner was poisoned but survived. When this case was investigated by the police, the young brother to the company boss got arrested and was jailed for a long term. Saved by grace has been a theme for the company owner who has appreciated God by revealing to himself through the American.”


Upcoming Appointments

I’m very sorry the meetings in Portland and Seattle were canceled.  I was so looking forward to them.

July 6       From Canton TX      Donna Ashley  972- 788- 8093

August  23,24        From Greenville, NC   Brother Turner  252- 258-9502

August 30,31         From Mt. View, CA    Melody Han 650- 279- 1188


                           Blessings to you,


                                                                              Pastor Bill

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