Free PowerPoints:
Just as the Free Tracts and Mini-Lessons Page, Truth Triumphant offers all of our PowerPoint presentations for your studious and ministerial needs. Yes, you can use them in your personal Bible studies, sermons, or whatever evangelical use you have. They are complete with Bible verses, comments, pictures, and Ellen White quotes. Here, uploaded is every PowerPoint that Pastor Bill Hughes and Truth Triumphant has done that we have on file. If it is not here we do not have it. Please download, teach from, read, translate, and/or use as needed! (Note: Many of these PowerPoints have sermons by the same, or similar, name on the Truth Triumphant YouTube Channel. Also, please excuse us if there are some missing, many were lost due to a corrupted flash drive and computer crash, but what we have we freely give. The sermons topics are arranged in alphabetical order, please select one of the links below. Sermons presented by Pastor Bill Hughes are in black font, and sermons presented by Kody Morey are in red font.