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In today's society, it seems that everyone is asking you for money at every turn for everything--and unfortunately, many times churches are the biggest offenders in this realm. I hope at this point you have noticed that everything on this website is free for the taking, and that we have not requested money on any tab, page, or link. Here at Truth Triumphant we have a belief, which we practice, and are convicted of it's biblical foundations. Our belief is this: The message is free, the Gospel is free, salvation is free, our PowerPoints, Mini-Lessons, Books, and Every Sermon we have on file is absolutely free (located here or on the Truth Triumphant YouTube Channel). It is NOT about money. It was NOT about money for Jesus, nor the Apostles, nor the prophets, or patriarchs. We have no desire to pressure, persuade, or convict you to give to your hard-earned dollars to us. That is not why we are here. Our aim, decidedly and singularly, is to spread the 3 angel's messages and love of Christ to a world that is soon to perish. If you support that and want to give to us from a willing spirit, with a desire to bless, we greatly appreciate it! But please, do not feel obligated to give unless you are compelled by your own convictions and the guiding of the Holy Spirit to do so. Any freewill offering we receive, we are grateful and thankful for. If you would like to make a contribution, please click the Donate button below or click here.

*For Tax Purposes, please check the Share my mailing address with Truth Triumphant so we can send you a tax receipt

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To mail a personal check, make payments out to: Truth Triumphant, And send to:


Truth Triumphant

PO Box 1417

Eustis, FL 32727

** Please be aware when using Paypal that the continue button will submit a payment. Please be careful also not to double click as they sometimes have issues with charging it twice.

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