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Mission Statement

Truth Triumphant is a ministry dedicated to doing the will of God. To the glory of God alone, we wish to share the Gospel message to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. Basically, what Truth Triumphant is all about is spreading the FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGES of Revelation Chapter 14, teaching of God's wonderful character and love, and preparing people for the soon RETURN OF

JESUS CHRIST. We seek to teach and put into application all the instruction of the Bible and SPIRIT OF PROPHECY; that is, the writings of ELLEN G.

WHITE. We believe and teach health principles, prophecy, judgment, the Second Coming, the Law of God, the Sabbath, the founding pillars of Seventh-day Adventism, the antichrist as the Papacy, righteousness by faith, and the inspiration of the Word of God. Our goal is that these messages would spread as the leaves of autumn to the entire world. We spread the message via any means that the Lord employs us; sermons, Pastor Hughes traveling ministry, sabbath schools, YouTube, this website, mailing DVDs, mass mailing pamphlets, radio programs local and abroad, and Bible Study

packets. We believe in a faith that works by love and purifies the soul. Not to trust in our own works, but to rely on the source of wisdom, power, and love. Our hope is to warn the world of the impending judgments to befall the world, warn against the reception of the Mark of the Beast, Image of the Beast, and the Beast itself, as well as prepare ourselves and others by combining the divine power of God with human effort to reach perfection through the process of sanctification. Moreover, we pray that God's last people across the world will wake up and bring forth a furthering of the straight testimony of the simple truths of Scripture. And finally, we feel the conviction of being Repairers of the Breach, and exposing the false doctrines that are deceiving individuals today; such as predestination, once saved always saved, incorrect baptism, pantheism, contemplative prayer and/or spiritual formation, saved by works, saved by corporate affiliation, Sunday worship, eternal hell, the law done away with, and improper health habits. In all this, we substantiate any and all claims on the Bible alone. We always aim to present the truth only; not any man's wisdom or ideas, but the clear and simplistic truths of God's Word.

2018 by Truth Triumphant Ministries                                Contact Us

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