Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.--Psalm 106:1, KJV
If you are interested in purchasing a complete case of Bill Hughes' books please visit our store by clicking here. If you would like to read, download, and/or printout your own copies feel free to utilize the Books page under the Bible Studies Info tab. There are three books that Bill has written including: the Secret Terrorists, The Enemy Unmasked, and Three Angel's Over Africa. All three are specially tied to the 3rd Angel's Message. The Secret Terrorists and Enemy Unmasked show involvement of the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church in world affairs. The Secret Terrorists relates more to U.S. history, while The Enemy Unmasked takes a closer look at global affairs and various secret organizations. Three Angel's over Africa is different in that it is the recorded testimonies of the spread of the 3rd Angel's Message in Africa and the wonderful conversion stories which take place there. God is moving in Africa and in the rest of the world. It is time to prepare for the final events, finish the work, and meet our Lord face to face.